How do I get there, and where do I park?
Travelling to Woodsetton 
Arriving by car
The postcode for Satnav. is DY31AA.
Junction 10 of the M6 is always a popular Satnav choice to get to Woodsetton, however be advised it is always very busy if you can avoid it.
When you get nearby ‪159 Tipton Road‬ Woodsetton, you are looking for a red brick Victorian house behind a high holly hedge with an A3 sign affixed to the gate post.
There is room for 4 cars tucked in diagonally against the hedge on the right side of the drive, (cars further up beyond the gate will need to be able to pull out and down the drive behind your parked car)
There is also safe parking in Marlborough Road opposite, and you can also park uphill of the entrance on the main road.
Arriving by bus or train
The nearest railway station is Coseley and we are a 5 minute taxi ride or a 20/30 minute walk from there. The 229 bus picks up at Coseley station and takes approximately 20 minutes and travels through Sedgley and on to Woodsetton, dropping off opposite Marlborough Drive, within 10 metres of 159 Tipton Road.
The nearest central bus stations are Dudley and Wolverhampton and you need to jump on a number 1 bus and get off in Sedgley.
Arriving by rail
Wolverhampton railway station may be more direct for you and is next to Wolverhampton bus station where you would catch a number one bus to Sedgley and walk downhill Tipton Road (10 minutes). Or you can then catch the 229 which goes down Tipton Road dropping off opposite Marlborough Drive, within 10 metres of 159 Tipton Road which is on the same side of the road.
Once you have pulled into the drive there is room to park 4 cars pointing diagonally close to the hedge on the right hand side of the drive. If you have a long car please take an acute angle to avoid blocking the gate at the top of the drive as we may need to reverse out of the gate during your visit.
There is also on street parking in Marlborough Road roughly opposite our drive. There is a pedestrian crossing right outside the premises (take care not to park on the zig zag lines of the crossing!)